Round 1:
In Light Amber, make a Magic Circle with 6sc. Close the circle with sl st. (6st)
In the following rows, start with a sl st and close the round with sl st.
Round 2:
In this round, make 2ch between every single sc.
1sc inc in next st, Repeat 6 times. (12st)
note: all 2ch doesn't count as a st.
Round 3:
1sc in every st. (12st)
Round 4:
In this round, make 2ch between every single sc.
1sc inc in every st. (12st)
note: all 2ch doesn't count as a st.
Round 5-11:
Repeat Round 3-4.
Now, turn the inside out. Here we will use the back side of the crochet as the body surface because we want to take the rough surface to get the texture of crispy. Start stuffing.
Round 12:
1sc dec. Repeat 5 times. Stuff and fasten off. (6st)
The body of Minniko Ebi Fried Shrimp Tail is formed.
Aah Love this !! Thank you for sharing!!
I cant wait to make them all and stack them up!
Yay I can’t wait to see your Sumikko too!